Where children learn to grieve and heal.

Insider updates from the Camp Erin Department.

Thanks for stopping by the Camp Erin Blog! You will not only find the most up to date info happening with Camp Erins across the country, but also some great resources and applicable information for grieving families.

Camp Erin is the largest bereavement camp in the country - designed for youth ages 6-17 who are grieving the loss of someone close to them. It is a weekend-long experience filled with traditional, fun, camp activities combined with grief education and emotional support — facilitated by grief professionals and trained volunteers from local hospice and grief counseling agencies. Camp Erin is the largest network of bereavement camps in the United States with 36 camps in 23 states. More than 2,500 greiving children and teens will receive the healing experience of Camp Erin this year!

November 15, 2010

Surviving the Holidays & Tips for Moving Forward

The holiday season is a difficult time for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one and are struggling to move forward. For kids and teens, this struggle can be even greater with the busy season approaching. Here are a few tips for making this time of year manageable and helpful for those experiencing grief:

-Prepare: Sit down with your friends and family and develop a holiday plan. This could include anything from books you want to read or fun events you would like to attend. As long as you have goals for the coming weeks, it will be easier to stick to them when you are coping with emotions.

-Socialize: Being isolated can often make grief worse. Go out and find new things to do with friends and family. Try to search for holiday events that are happening in your city. This could be anything from ice skating to a craft fair. Surrounding yourself with loved ones can alleviate holiday anxiety.

-Keep Moving: Take care of your physical well-being. Make sure to combat the holiday diet with healthy foods that will give you energy and strength. Kids and teens should also have regular exercise to reduce stress and stay active.

-Light: Gloomy winter weather can really impact stress levels in kids and teens during the holidays. Get out and get some sunshine. If the weather does not permit this, check out light boxes at local retailers and counseling centers.

-Reach Out: Volunteering is a great way for grieving kids and teens to see how they can give back. Seeing the impact that volunteering has on others can reduce stress and holiday anxiety.

For more information on holiday grief and resources for coping, visit GriefShare.